Reunion 3.0 《聚》
Under the baton of Lien Boon Hua, the SNYCO Alumni Concert returns with "Reunion 3.0". Experience a diverse repertoire, from the majestic Celebration Overture to the cross-cultural Jewel of Srivijaya, modern Ghibli’s Delivery Service and more, celebrating musical diversity and SNYCO’s enduring legacy. Don’t miss it!
在指挥连汶华的执棒下,新加坡国家青年华乐团团友音乐会《聚3.0》隆重回归,汇聚历届优秀乐团成员,共谱华乐新篇章。音乐会曲目精彩纷呈,包括气势磅礴的《庆典序曲》、融合多元文化的《Jewel of Srivijaya》及现代改编的《Ghibli 宅急便》等,展现音乐的多元魅力与SNYCO的辉煌传承。千万别错过!